Oct 27, 2022
Join Shannon & Christine as they chat about Social Wellness with the speakers from the WCW Conference.
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The Laziness Myth: Narratives of Work and the Good Life in South Africa
Women Connected in Wisdom Virtual Conference
2022 Women Connected in Wisdom Virtual
Conference Agenda
Goals: Connecting people all over the
Uplifting women’s voices
Wellness in Community
#moderator #Wisdom #Wellness
Day 1: Emotional/ Mental & Environmental Wellness
9:30-10:00 AM EST
Intro: Christine &
History- Podcast-
Community-Experts-book authors-Sponsors
-4 Day Run through. Be present and
interactive. Get rooted in Community
10-11 Session 1
- Emotional/ Mental Wellness- Dr. Cynthia Lynn Phelps- Discover
Your Inner Ally and Soothe Your Soul
11:15-12:15 Session
2 - Emotional/ Mental Wellness- Carolyn Renee Morris- Womb
Creations: Journey to Loving Mother- Daughter Dialogues
1:30-2:30 Session 3
- Emotional/ Mental Wellness- Tracy Reese- Embrace All of Who You
2:45-3:45 Session 4
- Environmental-Dr. Melissa Bird- The Mermaid’s Garden: A Story of
the Pursuit of Environmental Wellness
4-5 Session 5 -
Environmental-Melody LeBaron- You + Your Home: How to Up-Level This
Vital Relationship
Day 2: Financial & Intellectual Wellness
9:30-10:00 AM EST Welcome
10-11 Session -
Financial Wellness
Chrisitne Gautreaux - A Holistic
Approach to Financial Wellness
11:15-12:15 Session
2- Financial Wellness Felecia Frayall - Financial WEllness
in the Nonprofit Sector
1:30-2:30 Session 3
- Intellectual Wellness InterPlay Session
2:45-3:45 Session 4
- Intellectual Wellness
Shannon Ivey - Create a life You’d
Fight for
4-5 Session 5 - Panel -
Global Hybrid Publishing Karen Strauss, & Shealo Glo Shannon
Day 3: Occupational & Physical
9:30-10:00 AM EST
10-11 Session 1 -
Occupational Wellness
Chartisia Griffin - Welcome to a
Place of Wellness
11:15-12:15 Session
2 - Occupational Wellness
Laurel Anne Stark - New Research-Backed
Technology Provides Help for the Entrepreneurial Woman
1:30-2:30 Session
3 - Physical Wellness
Dr. Sheila K. Collins - The
Physicality of Grief: A Dancer’s Reflections on the Art of
2:45-3:45 Session
4 - Physical Wellness
Shannon Mitchell - Glo from Head to
4-5 Session 5 -
Physical Wellness
Ra - Yes, You Do Know
Day 4 Social & Spiritual Wellness
9:30-10:00 AM EST
10-11 Session 1 -
Social Wellness
Sacil Armstrong - Make Equity a
11:15-12:15 Session
2 - Social Wellness
Courtney” Coe” Dorsey - Miami
Beaches and Georgia Peaches
1:30-2:30 Session 3
- Spiritual Wellness
Jovantreis Tolliver Russell -
Activate Your Superpower!
2:45-3:45 Session 4
- Spiritual Wellness
Shamika D. Wallace - Be Still and
4-5 Session Networking
Celebration & Wrap Up